Thursday, August 18, 2016

Last Week in the MTC

From the MTC
August 17, 2016

Dear everyone,

This is my last P day before I leave for Japan. I can't go into it too much, but I'll be leaving early in the morning to go to the SLC airport August 22nd. From there I am leaving early afternoon to fly straight to Tokyo. After about 15 hours of flying, we have a few ours to spare before we get to Fukuoka in the evening.

Overall my MTC has been a bunch of roller coasters. I've learned that the best thing to do, when things get tough is to pray to the Lord. But only if you want to of course, just a simple invitation. But if you do, there are many promised blessings in store. By depending on Him, you'll be able to overcome lots of things. But He can only help
you if you have faith in Him, and experiment on doing things differently. I found that I needed to accept His answer, and if I found it hard to do that. So I prayed for a deeper desire to follow... And that when one takes that leap of faith, experiments with a different way of thinking, that answers were found to many of my trials.

And as a friend, or family member I know it can help you :)

Being here, I've met some incredible people. My district and teachers have all shaped me in dramatics ways. Special shout out to Melinda,Hutchinson, my douryou and my family. Many of you who are reading this, have also lead up to me being here, so thank you for preparing me for my mission as well. Because of you, I feel like I'm
becoming a better person. 

I'm going to be going "dark" for about 16 months. I will only be able to radio in on this blog occasionally. So as a final tudegra, thank you for your love, prayers, and just thinking about me. You help get me up in the mornings, or keep me from going off the deep end when things get hard.

I gotta lose myself in the work :) I'll write in on when I can though!

As a representative, I want to bare a simple testimony before I head out into the field. I love the Lord, and I know He is our Heavenly Father. I know that Jesus Christ is our brother, Savior and Redeemer. Joseph Smith restored the gospel of Jesus Christ and translated the Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon is true :) And that prophets seers and regulatory with restored Priesthood keys lead this church.

And I want to tell you all I love you deeply.

If there is ever a time to proclaim the gospel, I guess its gotta be now /)

Furi-to Shimai

Here are some photos for you to munch on as well

P.S. Haha I've gained atleast 5 pounds here. Haha and I might gain 20 lbs when I am done with my mission. But as one of my teachers said. "you start to gain weight, because you care more about the people than you do yourself." Hahaha.

New name tags in Katakana!

Sister Reyes and I! She is Spanish speaking, and one heck of a sister! Super nice and a really fast learner. She is part of the missionaries who just came in.

Regular day posing for the camera.

Haha, this is what we normally look like in the class.hahaha 

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